
This blog is an assignment for CMP 272 Spring 2009 to allow students an opportunity to present a valid argument, generate feedback (pro and con), post responses, and practice moderating skills in a technological environment.

Why should Marijuana be legal?

To alleviate over-crowding in the prison systems and to provide a holistic alternative to terminally ill patients, marijuana should be decriminalized nationwide.

Marijuana is proven effective in treating chronic pain, glaucoma, MS, arthritis, and the effects of chemotherapy, AIDS-wasting syndrome, and other chronic illnesses. Studies in at least five countries have shown marijuana to slow and often reverse the growth of cancer cells - All this from a plant less toxic than aspirin and less habit-forming than coffee or wine.

Also, legally taxed and regulated marijuana market could generate upwards of $200 billion annually in excise tax revenues for the federal government.

Mandatory minimums for non-violent offences cost the tax payers millions!

Mandatory minimums are intended to target drug kingpins, many mandatory minimum laws more often have sent addicts, drug dealers’ girlfriends and college kids peddling marijuana to prison for long terms.

According to the FBI, in 2007 police made a record 873,000 marijuana arrests – 9 out of 10 of them for pot possession, not trafficking, cultivation, or sale.

Headlines in USA Today...

A Utah man with no criminal record gets 55 year prison sentence for a minor marijuana charge in 2003. In 2005 a woman received a life sentence for $150 marijuana drug deal.

Child molesters and murderers are serving less time than small time marijuana dealers. Does this mean that marijuana is more valuable than our children? Hopefully not!

We need to decriminalize marijuana to alleviate over-crowding in the prison systems and to provide a holistic alternative to terminally ill patients. Marijuana should be decriminalized nationwide.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

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